
Selected publications and presentations

Gruntorád J. : Research and Academic Networking in Czechoslovakia, INET’91 – International Networking Conference , Copenhagen, Denmark, 1991

Gruntorád J.: Research and Academic Networking in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic,
Conference INET 92, Kobe, Japan, 1992

Gruntorád J., : Research and Academic Networking in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 25, November 1992

Vachek P.; Gruntorád J; Michal M.; Stastny M.: The Czech Technical University and Wide Area Networks, CTU Prague Workshop 93, Prague 18.-21.1.1993

Gruntorád J.; Peterka J. : CESNET slavnostne zahajuje, Computer World no. 24/93

Gruntorád J. : Networking in the Czech Republic – The CESNET Project, International Networking Conference INET’93, San Francisco, USA, 1993

Gruntorád J.: TEN-34 CZ Project.
NATO CEENet Workshop, Tartu, Estonia, May 1997

Gruntorád, J.: Forecasts of Internet Development in the Czech Republic,
Prague Internet World, Prague, April 1998

Gruntorád J.: lmplementation of 2.5 Gbps in the czech national Research Network.
In the proceedings Internet2 Workshop, Washington, USA, 2000

Gruntorád J.: Motivation and the Case of Profit NREN Spin-offs.
In the proceedings Network Management NATO Advanced Networking Workshop CINEMA, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2000

Gruntorád J.: Implementation of the CESNET2 Gigabit Network. CANARIE´s 7th Annual Advanced Network Workshop, Toronto, Canada, November 27.-29., 2001

Gruntorád J.: Using National Service Platform. Conference Next Generation Network, Prague, March 19.-20., 2001

Gruntorád J.: Funding Models and Sustainability of the NRENs. NATO NREN Workshop, Issyk-kul, Kyrgyzstan, September 21.-24., 2001

Gruntorád J.: How CESNET Got Access to Dark Fibres.
SERENATE NREN Workshop, Amsterdam, Niederlands, February 2003

Gruntorád J.: Customer Empowered Fibre Network – CESNET Experience.
TERENA Workshop on NREN-controlled fibres, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2003

Gruntorád J.: Customer Empowered Optical Networks.
lntemet2 Member Meeting, Arlington, USA, April 2003

Gruntorád J.: GLIF Related Activities in the Czech Republic.
Prague, 7th Global Annual LambdaGrid Workshop

Gruntorád J.: Optical Communications in the Czech Republic.
San Diego, USA, 7th ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop 2007

Gruntorád J.: Key Aspect of Internet Evolution in the Central and Eastern Europe.
NSFNET: The Partnership that Changed the World, November 29-30, 2007, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Gruntorád J.: Exploring and Capacity for CineGRID Applications.
CineGRID Annual Workshop, December 2007, San Diego, USA

Gruntorád J.: GLIF Related Activities in the Czech Republic.
GLIF 2007, September 17-18, 2007, Prague

Gruntorád J.: CESNET’s Contribution to Next Generation Networking. CESNET Conference 2008, Prague, Czech Republic

Gruntorád J.: CESNET Developments in Optical Networking and Possible Future Trends.
10th ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop, San Diego, USA

Gruntorád J.: CESNET – from NREN to e-Infrastructure Provider.
Eastern Europe Partnership Event, November 7-8, 2011, Bucharest, Romania

Gruntorád J.: CESNET Developments in Optical Networking and Possible Future Trends.
10th ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop, San Diego, USA, March 1-4, 2011

Gruntorád J.: Building e-Infrastructure in Czech republic.
IVT – Taiwan ICT Workshop 2012, August 27-30, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan

Gruntorád J.: GOLE Praha Resource Update.
GLIF Workshop, October 2012, Chicago, USA

Gruntorád J.: 100G Development at CESNET/CzechLight.
ON*VECTOR Annual International Workshop 2013, SanDiego, USA

Gruntorád J.: eIGeR – e-Infrastructure and Grids for e-Regions.
GÉANT NREN PC Meeting, March 7, 2014, Lisboa, Portugal

Gruntorád J.: eIGeR – e-Infrastructure and Grids for e-Regions.
May 19, 2014, TNC 2014, Dublin, Ireland

Gruntorád J.: CESNET´s Approach to e-Infrastructure Users.
e-IRG Workshop, November 24, 2015, Luxembourg

Gruntorád J.: e-Infrastructure CZ, GÉANT.
3rd Day of Large Research Infrastructures, November 6, 2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic