Me & Media

Selected media articles about my work (most in czech language) …

Czech televizion – Hyde park civilizace 
We are 25 years online! Jan Gruntorád, CEO CESNET

Internet in the Czech Republic celebrates 25 years, the first tuned computer has joined
Exactly 25 years ago, on Thursday, February 13, 1992, our country, then Czechoslovakia, officially joined the Internet for the first time. This happened at an event organized by a team of experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the lecture room No. 256 of the CTU in Dejvice, Prague. Czechoslovakia was the 39th country on the Internet.

Experts did not passed for the first attempt, experts remembered
Connecting to the Internet wasn´t as easy as it might seem, the first request was even rejected. About 25 years later from the official connection of the Czech Republic to the Internet, two celebrities met in the studio in discussion Rozřel to bring history and their perspective on the future of the Internet.
Jan Gruntorád, CEO of CESNET, is one of the most competent who can talk about the connection of our country to the Internet. It was he who had been with colleagues to bring the Internet in 1992 to the then Czechoslovakia.

Jan Gruntorád: The beginnings of the Internet were based on fandom
In 1992, the US and Russia formally ended the Cold War, Czech politicians agreed to split the CSFR into separate states of the Czechs and Slovaks and began the first round of coupon privatization. And our state first joined the Internet.

Czech Radio – Radiožurnál
Jan Gruntorád about the future of the Internet: Not all information has the same quality

The Czech Internet has quarter century. Is it’s speed being slow down by the government?
Whoever starts doing business today can earn millions in a few years. The Internet has begun as a helper for scientists at universities relatively recently. Czechoslovakia joined it exactly 25 years ago.

Seznam overtook Google for two years
The first attempts to connect Czechoslovakia to the Internet took place in the autumn of 1991. Preparations took place three years. The aim was to join the EARN academic network. The first line was from Dejvice in Prague to the line in Austria. After the official launch of the Internet on February 13, 1992, the government approved 20 million crowns for the FESNET project. Its goal was to build a Czech and Slovak backbone network. – Czech CESNET and Slovak SANET

Internet in the Czech Republic celebrates 25 years. The first e-mail would cost a thousand crowns
It was February 13, 1992. The decadence of the federation remained for more than ten months. But at ČVUT in Prague the peak of the year came already this day. It was on that very day that Czechoslovakia, as the 39th country of the world, joined the Internet. This happened at an event organized by a team of experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

25 years ago for the first time online: The Internet in the Czech Republic celebrates a quarter of a century!
It seems as if he has always been. In fact, the Internet penetrated relatively slowly into the then Czechoslovakia. For the first time, technical enthusiasts joined the Prague CTU just 25 years ago.

Czech televizion – Studio ČT24
25 years of Internet in the Czech Republic

25 years ago, Czech Republic joined the Internet. The speed was thousands of times lower than today

In 25 years it became a phenomenon. The Way of Internet to Czech homes
Just 25 years ago – February 13 – Czechoslovakia was connected to a worldwide computer network. Access to the Internet was at first the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT).

German article –  Radio Praha

The Internet of the Future: Sensors everywhere, will pay taxes for yourself
In a special piece of study „Seznam news“ prepared directly at the conference, the experts will reveal their vision of what will happen next. Their opinions were shared, for example, by Jan Gruntorád, who was connected Czech republic to the Interenet

Czech televion – magazine Online
25 years of Internet in the Czech Republic